New York State safety requirements
- Every vessel, however small, must have one life jacket (personal flotation device) for every person on board.
- See the NYS Parks Department's website for the other safety equipment required for each type of boat.
- Life jackets must be worn at all times by children aged 12 and under, and by users of jet skis (personal watercraft).
New York State requirements for boats with motors
These regulations apply to any boat with a motor, including small boats with outboards.
- Anybody operating a motor boat must complete a boating safety course and obtain an NYS certificate.
- All motor boats must be registered through the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Renting a slip or mooring
- Except for approved short-term visitors, only members may bring boats to the club.
- Membership dues and slip rentals must be paid before bringing a boat to the club, but non-members may register for the waiting list.
- Boat owners should have liability insurance. Boats in the marina, the North Docks, and on moorings, and boats on trailers with motors are required to provide proof (e.g., a certificate of insurance) that they have at least $300,000 in liability insurance.
- Slip holders will be sent an email statement for the next season’s rental by December 15. To maintain the slip for the upcoming season, the rental fee must be paid before March 1.
- Only the Harbormaster can assign slips. Members are not permitted to sublet or assign their slips to anybody else.
- The transient slips on the North Docks are open to members and transients on a first-come, first-served basis, except during regattas or other events.
Special instructions
Use of the harbor
- The marina, moorings, and all North Docks slips open on May 1 and close on October 31. The summer season for boats on trailers and the small boat area is April 1 to November 30. Changes of this schedule will be published in the club's newsletter. Boats and trailers that remain after the closing date are subject to winter storage charges.
- To aid in club vessel identification, it would be helpful if members flew the club burgee, especially when they are using the transient slips on the North Docks.
Keep Cayuga Lake clean
Help keep Cayuga Lake clean. It provides drinking water for many local communities.
- Federal Law Cayuga prohibits the discharge of marine waste, including heads that discharge overboard.
- Painting, stripping or sanding on any dock or walkway is not permitted.
- Trash should be deposited into the dumpsters.
At busy times, the area around the docks can be crowded. For the safety of other members, please observe the following.
- Go slowly (5 m.p.h. or less) in the marina and near the docks. Keep clear of the swimming area and the entrances to the marina.
- New York State regulations prohibit swimming at any time except at the swimming area when lifeguards are present.
- Fueling of boats is not allowed from fuel trucks or fuel jars greater than 6 gallons.
- No open fires are allowed in the marina or at the North Docks.
- All boats in the marina are private property. Never board a boat without first being invited to go aboard by the owner.
- The Harbormaster (or a designated appointee) is authorized to move or retie boats and trailers as needed.
- Some people sleep on their boats. Quiet Hours are: 10pm to 7am, Sunday through Thursday; 12 midnight through 7am: Friday, Saturday, and holidays.
- Washing, painting, or repairing boats should not inconvenience other boats. Schedule noisy work for times when others are not present.
- Keep dock lines, power cords, TV and telephone lines, and water hoses tidy, and avoid them crossing over docks or walkways.
- Keep slips neat and orderly: rowboats, dinghies, and other equipment should be kept within the confines of the slip.
- No modifications or additions may be made to a slip, without the approval of the Harbormaster.
- Emptying porta-johns into IYC facilities is prohibited.