The Ithaca Yacht Club is a waterfront club on beautiful Cayuga Lake in Ithaca, NY. The club has a marina, a large clubhouse, an elegant dining room, and a grassy shoreline for swimming, picnics, and private events.
The club is both a social club and a boating club. It provides members and their guests with one of the most attractive locations on the lake, promoting friendship and camaraderie in the process. The club encourages family memberships, and runs social activities and a sailing program for junior members.
ContactMembership: Harbormaster: Youth Sailing: Catering and Facilities: Business Office: General information: | YOUTH Sailing
Registration for the Safe Boating Class on May 10 is now open. New Members
Click JOIN US for details and to learn more about the club. Receive 25% off membership dues your first year. Join for next year after September 1 and enjoy fall at the club. | Upcoming events
Address: 1090 Glenwood Road Ithaca, NY 14850
Business Office: c/o Sciarabba Walker, 410 E Upland Road, Ithaca, NY 14850