Dues Schedule for 2025

- As shown in the table above, there is a 2% discount if the dues are paid before March 31, 2025.
- New members receive a 25% discount in the first year.
- New members who join after Labor Day pay dues for the final months of the current season and the whole of the next year at the current year rate, less the 25% new member discount.
Regular Membership
- Regular Household Membership applies to any household in which the oldest person is 35 years of age or older or will be 35 during the calendar year of the membership.
- Regular Individual Membership applies to any individual who is 35 years of age or older or will turn 35 during the calendar year of the membership.
Junior Membership
- Junior Household Membership is available to any household in which the oldest person is under 35 years of age.
- Junior Individual Membership applies to any individual who is under 35 years of age.
Emeritus Membership
- Household Emeritus Membership is available to any household in which the oldest member of the household is 70 years of age or older or will be 70 during the calendar year of the membership and has been a member of the Club for 25 years.
- Individual Emeritus Membership is available to any individual who is 70 years of age or older or will be 70 during the calendar year of the membership and has been a member of the Club for 25 years.
- Emeritus Membership does not include boating privileges at the club (slip rental, small boat storage).
Leave of Absence
- A leave of absence may be granted at the discretion of the board of directors for any membership for no more than one year every seven years.